
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fractal - Swirling Mist of Time


  1. Now that, I could really go nuts about!

  2. Yes I agree - this one is stunning Carl.

  3. Dave and Janice-
    Thanks so much. I have been struggling with getting lighter background fractals to come out the way I want. I had really marginal results for a while. I tricked myself and found a different way. I worked as normal with a black background and a gradient based on a photo with a nice range of warm tones and some contrasting blues. This has worked well for me so far. After the render I brought the image into Photoshop and inverted all the colors and then started playing with softening some area and bringing out the colors in others. I will have to try that again.

    Ramblings - Thank You and welcome to my blog. Keep coming back!


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