
Saturday, December 06, 2008

What a week

This was one of those weeks where work won over art. Everyday I had a meeting after work. either with my boss or with vendors doing work for us in new locations. I was dragging by Friday night. Hence no posts since Thanksgiving weekend. Shame on me.
I have however started going thru the images from my workshop in October and found a bunch more to work on. Here is a preview. I have to get caught up on my personal life today and run errands, but tomorrow is studio time. We are supposed to get a light snow tonight so I will be out with my camera tomorrow morning and then I hope to jump into the studio and work on a drawing I have planned. I'll post what I work on tomorrow night. Have a great weekend.
Keep Makin' Art!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like art is winning out in the end! great start.


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