
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fall Reflection

I was revisiting some shots from a couple of years ago and found this simple composition that I had ignored at first, but the reflected color really makes this photo pop. I am glad I went back thru the images from this days shooting.

The message here is to save the stuff you are not sure about and take a look later. I normally trust my editorial instincts and edit pretty brutally... but I do save some that are maybes and sometimes they turn out to be winners.

Keep Making Art!


  1. Lovely colors and textures, congratulations.

  2. I love that you "edit pretty brutally" LOL. I do the same but find now the cast-offs make great experiments for all the filters I have.

  3. Great Photo!! It's amazing how going back to your work years later we can find pieces that we never thought much of when we produced them.

  4. Thanks Everyone.

    Mike I shot this near Reeve's Meadow. It all about the light right?



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