
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Finished Painting

Here I am putting the finishing touches on the barn.

Barn Near Sugar Loaf, NY


  1. Omigosh, that is WONDERFUL...!! I would love to be able to do that. Oh, heck, first I need to pick up a paint brush again.

    You have inspired me. Thank you!

  2. Thanks Jo! I wanted to post progress over a whole week. Honestly I paint mostly on Sunday so I took pictures each time I took a break to let something dry. And then post sements over the week. I am happy enough with this 5x7 test to paint a larger one. I also photographed a fall harvest still life that I will paint soon. I;ll post the photo today and do the sam thing with this painting.


  3. As someone who doesn't paint or draw, but appreciates varous media, I enjoyed seeing the progress/ layers. Very nice! Enjoy your next project.

  4. Delightful rendition Carl! Love the warms tones in this beautiful watercolor. I really enjoyed seeing your progress on this painting - you are so much more organized than I am.

  5. Nice Painting Carl. I shot this same barn with basically the same composition this past summer. The photograph was in my last show up in Haverstraw NY at the Alliance Gallery. It also sold. I guess great minds think alike lol.

    Mike Malandra


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