
Saturday, March 01, 2008

Tell Me About Your Artistic Self

I have seen a lot of posts (memes) I think they are called. Where some people are tagged and asked to answer some questions about themselves. I must admit that I found these to be silly at first. After reflection... though I think there is some value in this exercise in getting to know the people who read my blog. I will tag a few people but also invite anyone who reads this post to comment back with answers to these 5 questions.

I'll go first to start the ripple in the pool. Feel free to jump in!
  1. Who is your favorite Artist and Why?

  2. What is your favorite medium to work in?

  3. What brand of paint do you prefer (photographers what type of camera)?

  4. What motivates you more criticism or compliments?

  5. Who's artwork do you admire, but wouldn't want yours to be like?


Who is your favorite Artist and Why? - Edward Hopper is my favorite painter. I am drawn to his work. I especially love the paintings he did on Cape Cod. The light is amazing.

What is your favorite medium to work in? - This is a tough one. I have been a nature photographer since high school, but I think watercolor is my favorite. It challenges me (and frustrates me more) and forces me to think and examine. Photography is like breathing for me. I am unaware of my process entirely it just happens.

What brand of paint do you prefer (photographers what type of camera)? - I currently like the American Journey watercolors from Cheap Joe's art supply best. A great value, but more important great clean hues that are luminous.

Camera choice is a toss up. I love my Canon Digital SLR for color work, but prefer a manual medium format for black and white work (I will post my reasons for this in another blog one day)

What motivates you more criticism or compliments? - By nature I need self affirmation from compliments, but when you want to fire me up to solve an artistic problem a little criticism does the trick.

Who's artwork do you admire, but wouldn't want yours to be like? - Vincent Van Gogh. I love the bright colors and impressionistic feel, but I find my finished pieces are much more constrained for good or bad.

That's it for me.

I tag - Wenderina / Josie / Aimee Greeblemonkey / Cheap Joe / and you my blog readers


  1. Hey, this is great! I love it. I am going to play this. Who knows - we may even get some interesting responses out there.

  2. And by the way, Edward Hopper is one of my favorite painters as well. His work is so clean and crisp, but has such drama and feeling to it.

  3. Hi-

    There is something about hopper. I can't see one of his paintings without stopping to look at it. There is a tension built in to all of his works. I'm not sure if it is meant to be contemplative or lonely.... but they always make me think.


Welcome to Artisitic Balance. What's on your mind?