
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Another Sunday Another Lighthouse

Hello Fellow Artists:
After my winter hibernation I am starting to stretch out my art muscles again for coming months of warm weather and photography and painting! It is still chilly here in New York, but the light is clear and the earth is beginning to yield to the approaching spring. While it is still to chilly out for the plants that provide some of the nice colors in my work I am again practicing by painting my favorite lighthouses on note cards. This weeks is Nobska Light on Cape Cod. These little exercises are fast and help get my brain in place to be thinking about painting and photography the world around me. Try it you'll love the exercise and be ready when the first flowers appear in the yard you want to paint.
What do you do to prepare for the season?


  1. Hey! I found your blog again. Did you hide it for a while?

    First flowers? Vancouver is awash in pink blossoms - magnolias, cherries, Japanese plums, azaleas and then there are the tulips, daffodils, heather. We definitely live in Shangri-la here. Even the daffodils are blooming! And yes, it does inspire me to dust of the old paint brushes.

  2. I meant even the dandilions are blooming. *sigh* And the first lawn mowers are out.

    Oh, now I'm just showing off. :-)

  3. Lucky You. I had no idea Vancouver was so far ahead of us season wise.



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