
Monday, May 26, 2014

Central Park in Infrared...

With the images for my upcoming solo show in various stages of printing and framing, I was free to take photos yesterday just for me.  So I grabbed my Infrared camera and headed to Central Park.  Conditions were perfect for IR photography.  These are just a few of the great photos I was able to get. I won't have tome to add these to my solos show, but look for them to turn up in a show later this summer.

Keep Makin' Art!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Close to Home - My New Solo Show at Piermont Flywheel Gallery


Date: June 12th to June 29th
Location: Piermont Flywheel Gallery, 223 Ash Street, Piermont, NY
Opening reception: Saturday, June 14th from 5-8 pm.

The title 'CLOSE TO HOME' came to me when I realized my last two shows had been about travel.  It was then I decided I would do an entire show with images taken with 50 miles of home.  I was then worried if I had enough images I did not want to use ones I had shown before.  The result is a collection of all new images taken in the beautiful Hudson Valley of New York.  'CLOSE TO HOME' took on a second meaning as I shot more and more beautiful Infrared Black & White images I needed a way to present these photos In the best possible prints. B&W means so much to me.  It was my first exposure to photography and is what got me hooked.  The B&W photos in this show are museum quality silver gelatin photographs on Ilford Gallerie fiber based paper developed to archival standards and then hand toned in selenium to enhance the tonal range of the paper and give wonderful deep blacks.  These are some of my finest prints ever.  I cannot wait to show them to you.

Keep Makin' Art!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Beyond the Visible Spectrum

I attended the opening of the Beyond the Visible Spectrum exhibit at the gallery at Digital Silver Imaging in Belmont Ma this past Thursday night.  The show includes two of my infrared photos along with the work of Laurie Klein, Tony Sweet and Ron Rosenstock.  The Infrared images are quite extraordinary and DSI did a great job printing and hanging the show.  Many Thanks to Eric Luden and the gang at DSI for a great event.  If you are in the area check out the show.

I will have a booth in the Suffern Street Fair on Sunday June 1st.  If you are in the area stop by and see my work.  I will have images from London, Italy and Suffern among others.

Upcoming events include the workshop I am teaching with Mike Malandra on June 10th (the workshop is full.  Details about our next one will be posted here on the blog.)

My solo show at the Flywheel Gallery will be called "Close to Home" and will include images taken with 50 miles of my home to showcase the beauty of the Hudson Valley.

Keep Makin' Art!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Exciting News!

I have been invited to be part of an exhibit of Infrared Photography at Digitial Silver Imaging in Belmont, Ma.  The show is called "Beyond the Visible Spectrum".  I am thrilled to have been invited to have a couple of my photographs hang with Artists of the caliber of Laurie J. Klein, Ron Rosenstock, Tony Sweet.  The show runs until the end of May.  I will be heading to Boston Thursday night (May 15th) for the opening.  If you are in the area stop in and see this great show.  The reception is from 6 to 8 pm.

Below are a few of my most recent infrareds shot this weekend.

Keep Makin' Art!

PS Next post - Info about my upcoming solo show at the Flywheel Gallery this june.