
Sunday, January 23, 2011

HDR - Lafayette Theater

Here are some Late afternoon High Dynamic Range shots of the Lafayette Theater in Suffern, NY. I really like how the one with the street sign turned out. I plan to shot the NY Skyline from Hoboken NJ in HDR. That should make for a really cool image.

Keep Makin' Art!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Calla Lilies

This is the final product of my Calla Lily photos from the last day. I set things up again this morning after seeing what I got last night. I am really glad I did. I got some great images.

Keep Makin' Art

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Calla Lilies

I have been under the weather the last few weeks with one of those sinus things that is going around. I have been to the doctor a couple of times and am starting to feel better. I have been itching to get out and shoot all week, but decided I really needed to rest this weekend. I was however going a little stir crazy tonight. I turned to one of my favorite subjects... Calla Lilies. It required no real effort as it was a one light setup against a dark background so i spent perhaps half an hour shooting these beautiful flowers just looking at their wonderful forms and delicate flower. This satisfied my creative urges for today so I can go back to resting. Perhaps tomorrow I will paint a bit.

I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I enjoyed photographing them!

Keep Makin' Art!

Monday, January 10, 2011

One More Top Ten List

Harriman State Park - Got this one in just under the wire... photo taken 12/30/10.

Minisceongo Creek

Minisceongo Creek

Indian Brook Falls.

Watkins Glen

Another from Watkins Glen... Probably my favorite waterfall of 2010.

Harriman State Park in early summer.

Dover Stone Church Falls.

Livingston Manor NY

Indian Brook Falls

My friend Jeannette is a big fan of my photos with rocks and water in them. So I put together a post of my ten favorite water photos of 2010. Jeannette I hope you like these. I am also stalling a little as I am hung up on my 2011 goals and reviewing how I did on my 2010 goals. So everyone enjoy these shots while I work on the 2011 goals.

Keep Makin' Art!

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Oil Painting Update

I had my 4th oil class this morning. The photo below is the still life I have been working on. It has a ways to go yet but I wanted to show you my progress. I in no way claim this to be all mine. My teacher (the Amazing Delah Mckay) has plenty of brushtime in this painting doing demos and helping me out of trouble, but I am really pleased with how much I am picking up. I probably have to more days of work on this one in class. In between classes I am going to start a few still life set ups at home and keep practicing.

Once I have a few paintings under my belt and get to a certain comfort level. I want to work on painting this mandolin of mine in a setup. I think it could be a wonderful painting.

Keep Makin' Art!

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Hopper House - Members Show

This little watercolor will be my entry in the Edward Hopper House members show. I am dropping it off today. We were encouraged to enter something Hopperesque this year, so I decided on the watercolor of Nobska Light I did back in August.

Keep Makin' Art!