Canon 50D / EF17-40 mm / ISO 640/f4.5/25sec
What lies in the darkness of an autumn night?
I stood tonight gazing up at the sky above Lake Askoti trying to be still (mental and physically) as the image recorded on the sensor of my camera for the twenty five seconds it took to make the exposure. What you see is a moment frozen that actually took nearly half a minute to record. These images while beautiful can not fully explain to you the wonder of those 25 seconds.... I let my senses wash over me.. I took in all around me. I saw a shooting star, breathed in the smell of the forest on a crisp autumn evening and listened to the birds call to each other from across the lake.... There is wonder and majesty to be found in the woods any time of day or night. There is no magic to finding it except to get out there and let your yourself stop and fully experience the moment.
While I was out there in the woods in the night prose and poetry came to me and left again so quickly I could not begin to record it... Much like the shooting start that was too fast to leave a lasting impression in the latent image of my capture the poetry of the night left its blazing impression with hardly a sign of its existence except my clumsy attempt to convey it.
Keep Makin' Art
hi, great work!!!!! this is one of my favorite formation of nature, i love the darkness and its shades....
feels inspiring!!!!!!keep on collecting..
The third one would be my preference, but an excellent post.
Anonymous - thanks for stopping by. Keep coming back.
Dave - I agree. I think when I post right after shooting I tend to put too many images up. I had written the post with just the first two shots. I think those two are strongest... though I like the color in the top one. I enjoyed writing this post, but find it difficult to express what I am feeling at the moment of capture with my nature images. They are a flat record of a place and a moment of extraordinary beauty.
Carl, you have expressed yourself beautifully. Not only an artist, but also a writer. The second shot with the stars is my favorite.
Breathtaking Carl - in every aspect.
For those of us who enjoy the great outdoors your images help us to relive these special awe-inspiring moments.
Pat and Janice... Thanks so much. I am glad you enjoy seeing the images as much I do capturing them.
Inspirational, wish I wasn't afraid to go walk around the woods in the dark. Really love these shots!
Hi Chelle - Harriman park doesn't get to me... probably because there is enough light and rangers around, but Marconi Beach on Cape Cod this summer was so dark and windy at 4am I was a little freaked out!
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