
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Simpler Still Life Idea.

Hello Fellow Artists
If you found the still life I plan to paint too much... I am also going to draw this lovely little tea cup and paint it. Try this one instead.

I'll have the drawings for both posted by the weekend.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Meme from Pics and Poems

I don't do a lot of Memes... but I liked this one that Dave at Pics and Poems had done. So I thought it would be a way for you readers to know a little more about the guy behind the camera/paint brush.

1.My current obsession : All of my hobbies at one time cooking/painting/photography/learning the mandolin/blogging. Which makes me always pressed for time!

2.The item of clothing I wear most often is : Jeans whenever I am not at work!

3.What's for dinner : Bangers and Mash at an English Pub in NYC with some friends.

4. I prefer to listen to : folk/bluegrass/old jazz/standards

5. A word of thanks to : Wenderina (my lovely wife) who puts up with all of my hobbies and my artistic temperament

6.Favourite vacation spot : Cape Cod. It reminds me of a simpler time and it has lighthouses… What coud be more perfect.

7. I am reading : Basic Judaism – Rabbi Milton Steinberg. I am trying to read up on the major religions looking for the common bonds that should bring us all together.

8. Four words to describe myself: enthusiastic / artistic / considerate / stuffy

9.Guilty Pleasures: Finding time for my hobbies on Sunday mornings

10.First spring-cleaning thing: MY STUDIO

11. I look forward to : a time in my life when I can pursue painting and photography full time.

12. I guess I am now supposed to tag a chosen group of fellow bloggers, but instead I am going to demonstrate my independence of spirit and make it an open tag for anyone who would like to take it up. Please leave a note on my blog, though, if you decide to do so. I like Dave’s Idea here. Try the meme if you like if not… Happy Blogging.

The Still Life


I have had several comments that the still life looks too challenging. Here is what I have decided to do. I will be photographing a cup and saucer today. I will draw and paint both and you can decide which one to work on or both.

Keep Makin' Art

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Spring is Here!

Here is another shot from Saturday in Skylands. I will post the first step (drawing) of our still life project later today. I'll include my ideas for approaching this interesting subject.

Lessons I am Learning From my Cats#1

Meet Penny. She joined our happy little household in January. She is now 6lbs amd 6 months old and has it all wired up. It is my goal in life to get that relaxed. Rock on little one. Teach me more.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Skylands Redux

I went back to Skylands today. Hoping for more Cherry blossoms. They were gone, but other wonderful flowers and plants started blooming. I got some great shots. I'll share 2 with you tonight. I'll have to review them closer this week.

Keep makin' Art

Who's With Me??

OK Everyone. We had fun with the light house painting. It is time to try a watercolor still life. Since Pat (my Mom) was the only one who posted her results I picked a subject she seemed interested in. It is a still life with White Porcelain objects containing light and shadows.

To those of you who did not try the lighthouse painting. Come on in the water is fine. I will be doing paint along with me demos all summer long. I hope one every two to three weeks. I'll go at an easy easy pace and if you are painting or following along please comment with your questions. Lets make some wonderful art together.

I'll be the web's watercolor version of Bob Ross. OK I do not have enough hair to be Bob Ross... but so what. Pick up a brush and try watercolor you'll LOVE it!

Sunday's post will be the drawing we start from. Don't be intimidated. I'll help you break it down and explain things along the way. I'll probably even goof it up myself... but that is half the fun.

Keep Makin' Art!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Drum Roll Please

Hello Fellow Artists

Today marks my 200th post! Wow can you believe that that? I can't that for sure. I'd like to thank everyone who keeps coming back and reading my posts and checking out my images. You inspire me to be a better painter and photographer. For that I can not thank you enough.

I am posting one more cherry blossom, It is a bit of a cop out... but I have been crushed with unexpected work since Friday and have just been keeping my heard above water (barely).

Tomorrow We will start our next watercolor project so get your paints and brushes out it promises to be one I will have to really push myself on.

Keep Makin' Art!


Sunday, April 19, 2009


I will photograph the still life and post it tonight that will be the subject of our next watercolor project. I have done two of these now and folks seem to enjoy them. Will you paint along with me over the next couple of weeks as we work on the still life? In the meantime I stole an hour today and took the photos you see in today's post. Enjoy!

After a weekend of almost nonstop (and unplanned) work I took an hour for myself and went to the the NJ Botanical Gardens at Skylands with my camera. It was great to get outside. There are plenty of things blooming already that made for some great photos.

The cherry blossoms made my day! I could have looked at them all day.

I am not sure what these blue flowers are but they were pretty cool. I have several more shots of these you may see pretty soon.

There are several carriage houses on the grounds This archway is a detail of one of them. In the right time of day i will spend some time photographing them for sure. It is funny spring is staring to bloom and now I get the idea of how to photograph this amazing place after a snow fall! I will have to file that away for next year.

Keep Makin' Art


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Next Project

Hello Fellow Artists

What would you like to do as the next Paint along with me project?

I am thinking of a still life and will photograph something to share this weekend, but wanted to get your input. What would you like to paint?


Monday, April 13, 2009

Finished Painting

I got inspired when I got home and finished the painting of Nobska Light. I finished the roof and added shadows and texture to the grass. I also darkened the walls in shadow to make the whole painting pop.
With all that red in the roof and the warm grass tones... I think the pinkish red color at the horizon really works...
How did yours turn out... I can't wait to see.


Nobska Light - Fence and Starting Roof

Next I painted Shadow side of fence and started roof. The roof will be glazed several times to get the right mix of sunlight and shadow.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Favorite Time of Week

It is Sunday morning. The house is quiet except for the sound of two cats creating mischief and the drip of my coffeemaker. This is the time of week I look forward to. The day is before me. I may paint, I may hike and take photos or just read and spend time with Wendy. It is the perfect way to get ready for the craziness that starts again each Monday.

Happy Sunday Everyone!

My today list:

  • Enjoy a cup of coffee and read a little

  • Play my Mandolin

  • Get caught up on my blogs

  • Clean up the studio and work on the next couple stages of my demo painting

  • Cook dinner and spend time with my folks.

Sounds like a good Sunday to me!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Nobska Light Demo - Foreground

So here we are the bulk of the foreground is in and I am pretty happy we have set the Stage for the buildings and the lighthouse. I used some warm earthy yellows, greens and browns on the foreground using a little dry brush to reserve some negative grass shapes and painted around the fence.
What's left?
  • Shadows on fence. probably a light blue gray color
  • finish foreground by splattering some drops with a toothbrush and a dark warm color to give the appearance of grasses. building and fence should be covered so spatter does not get on them.
  • Then onto buildings and lighthouse (first wash)
  • Buildings (shadows)

I will paint a bit more on Sunday and post then. Take a look at Pat's . It looks great!

I'll probably finish on Monday.

Keep Makin' Art


Thursday, April 09, 2009

Nobska light First Wash

OK. The first wash is down on Nobska Light..... And look 2/3 of the painting is done. See isn't this easy.

I first used a 1/2" flat brush to go around the buildings with water then once I was far enough away from the buildings I used a 2" wash brush with water and wet the whole sky. Once that was nice and wet I threw down Cobalt Blue with a touch of french ultramarine blue down loosely in the sky and let it run around. I threw down some Alizarin Crimson at the horizon. I like to do that. It helps the transition to the foreground and adds some punch. I then used a dry towel to blot out some area for clouds. This was about 10 minutes work. When it comes to skies I like to get in and get out and let them dry not play too much. I probably should have left out the clouds... but it is my painting and I was having fun.
See how the buildings will now jump out off of the back ground. My next work will be the foreground.

How are you doing on yours?

Keep Makin' Art

Nobska Light Update

Hello Fellow Artists

I will post the wash of the sky tonight. In the mean time read Pat's wonderful post about taking on the challenge of painting the light house. I think she is learning in one painting things it has taken me five years to understand and she has a sense of humor about it too!

Keep Makin' Art

Monday, April 06, 2009

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Nobska Light Project - Drawing

Here is the drawing for Nobska Light. I scaled mine to 11x14. I have a few lines to erase and then I will be ready to paint.
My Plan
  1. Drawing - done
  2. Paint sky - blue (graded cloudless wash I think.)
  3. building - plan to paint a little lighter in earth tones to make the red roof and shadows pop a little.
  4. Foreground play with a loose mix of browns/greens/yellows

I'll post my progress each step of the way. If you are playing along at home post your ideas and comments as you go thru. If you have questions or need help post it ina comment and I'll reply.

Happy Painting


Gerber Daisy and Lace

I saw these Gerber Daisy's in the store today and photographed them. I started with a black background to make the flower pop, but it was missing something. I decided to hang lace over the black background and use a pretty open f-stop to knock the lace out of focus. I am thrilled with the result. Maybe next week I can find some flowers in the wild to start shooting.

Keep Makin' Art


Hello Fellow Artists and Art Lovers:

Jo complimented me yesterday and told me she is inspired to paint when ever she visits my blog (Thanks Jo!). She asked me if I ever don't have the energy to paint?

The answer is ALL THE TIME. We artists are a funny bunch. Sometimes it is being drained from work and everything that is going on around me. I know I feel better when I paint everyday, but sometimes that brush looks like it weights a ton. Do you ever go thru that?

Lately I have been posting older watercolors to share with you while I went thru a watercolor dryspell (anybody have a clever name for that let me know... aqua interuptus? Still looking for the right term). This has helped inspire me.

I find the time between winter and spring with its blah scenes shuts me down every year. I manage to hike and get a few photos, but most of that is location scouting and only pays off later.

Now what? My painting muscles are withering and about to atrophy. I decided to start with a subject I have painted before and know well to get the juices flowing again. I will paint Nobska Light in Wood's Hole Ma. Will you join me? I am posting a photo in this post of Nobska Light. I will work on this for the next week and do posts along the way, as a tutorial. Won't you try it in whatever medium you like (or have always wanted to try)? Lets be creative together.

Here are some notes:

  • The image scale to 8x10 inches
  • I added grid lines to help you draw or sketch the scene
  • I will plan to remove the radio tower as I do not think it adds anything.
  • feel free to use this a s a jumping off point and go whaere it takes you.
  • I will post my progress every couple of days.
  • I will start with the drawing and possibly the sky today.

Good luck. Lets paint this together. Show me your results., also tell me where in the world you are working on this pinting. It will be curious to se how many places we can have paintings of the same scene going on in the weks to come.

Join me it will be fun! Send me any of your comments. I'll try to help if I can and don't let inexperience get in the way. I'd love to be able to post many different paintings of this scene.

Keep Makin' Art


Cape Salt Box

I have sold 2 different versions of this classic Cape Cod cottage. The inspiration is a house near where we stay on the cape. I had down as a nice pencil drawing several years ago. I changed the location to right on the bay and it has a great Cape Cod feel to it. I will probably paint one for myself soon.
What are you painting theses days?
Keep Makin' Art